Hearing Loss Overview

Experiencing Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss is one of the biggest health concerns in the U.S. It is the third most commonly reported physical condition, following arthritis and heart disease. It affects roughly 20 percent of the American population and can strike people of all ages.

Top 5 Symptoms of Hearing Loss

  1. Having trouble following conversations with background noise
  2. Missing part of the conversation
  3. Feeling like others mumble when they speak
  4. Turning the volume on the television up
  5. Avoiding social gatherings
An adult cupping a hand around their ear

How is Hearing Loss Diagnosed?

In order to diagnose hearing loss, your audiologist will review your medical history, discuss your symptoms, physically examine your ears and complete a hearing evaluation consisting of a series of audiological tests. A hearing exam may involve one or more of the following:

  • Pure Tone Testing
  • Bone Conduction Testing
  • Speech Testing
  • Tympanometry
  • Acoustic Reflex Testing
Audiologist Shannon M Christen examining a patient's ear with a headlamp

Types of Hearing Loss

Treatment will depend on your type and degree of hearing loss.

There are three types:

Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss. It involves a problem with the inner ear. Sensorineural hearing loss is usually treated with hearing aids.

Conductive hearing loss occurs when there are problems in the outer ear, ear canal, eardrum or middle ear. Conductive hearing loss is often correctable with surgery or medications (typically antibiotics). Alternatively, it may be treated with hearing aids.

Mixed hearing loss is a combination of both types. Treatment might involve a combination of medication, surgery and/or hearing aids.

Learn more about the types of hearing loss

An illustration of sound waves emitted from the left edge heading toward the human ear and head on the right

Benefits of Treating Hearing Loss

Individuals who seek treatment may see improvement in many aspects of their lives.

Researchers agree that treating your hearing loss can lead to better overall health, professional success and emotional well-being.

Learn more about hearing loss treatment

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