If you’ve been diagnosed with hearing loss and are using hearing aids to communicate, you’ll want to make sure you are getting the most out of your investment. To assist in this process, a group of audiologists developed a series of online auditory training programs called LACE (Listening And Communication Enhancement). The goal of these programs is to help individuals with hearing loss develop the skills and strategies necessary to help them communicate in poor listening environments.
Hearing aids are excellent at detecting and amplifying sounds, but they won’t actually help you understand what you are hearing. This is because the ears are the vessels for sound, but the brain does the actual hearing. LACE improves your ability to listen, communicate and comprehend.
The LACE training program is interactive and computerized, and it allows you to proceed at your own pace. It was designed to improve the way your ears and brain work together to interpret sound. It focuses on several particularly challenging listening situations: overcoming background noise, rapid speech, competing speakers, missing words and auditory working memory.
Instantaneous feedback is provided. Spending 30 minutes a day, five days a week, for four weeks in the comfort of your own home will help improve listening and communication skills. Independent studies indicate LACE improves listening skills by 30 to 40 percent. It is compatible with all modern browsers and platforms including PCs, Macs, iPads and Android devices.
Call Hearing Advancement Center at (425) 491-6810 for more information or to schedule an appointment.